Reclaim Philadelphia Endorses Three Movement Candidates for City Council

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Reclaim Philadelphia is proud to announce that our membership has voted to endorse Councilperson Helen Gym and Erika Almirón for City Council-At-Large, and Tonya Bah for the 8th Council District. This year, Philadelphia’s primary season offers an opportunity to redefine city politics and reshape the political landscape and Tonya Bah, Helen Gym and Erika Almiron will boldly and courageously lead the city in pursuit of transformative change.

To advance the people’s agenda on mass liberation, workers’ rights, gender justice, and community control over development, Reclaim Philadelphia believes we must elect candidates with a history of political integrity, who will seek the backing of social movements and who will be fearless in fighting for our values. We believe that Gym, Almirón and Bah have shown an undeniable commitment to building a Philadelphia that centers the needs of our multiracial working class. They have also demonstrated a clear commitment to building strong, people-centered campaigns that we are confident will make it onto the ballot and into the hearts and souls of Philadelphians. Reclaim Philadelphia believes these three candidates will boldly and courageously lead the city in pursuit of transformative change.

Councilperson Gym had this to say, "Since the day I was sworn in, I’ve worked to show Philadelphia what it looks like to put forward a people first agenda. From the most aggressive public schools agenda the City’s seen to the most expansive Fair Workweek Law in the nation to fighting for human rights at every turn, we’re showing what it looks like for us to win. 2019 is our political moment. With Reclaim’s endorsement, we’ll set a path over this election that will chart our future over the next four years.”

“For far too long, too many of our elected leaders have been more concerned with the owners of the skyscrapers than the people who clean them. They use their powers to keep their friends rich and will point to new luxury condos as progress while ignoring our brothers and sisters who don’t have a home. They deny our students and teachers the resources they need to thrive and then turn around and call our students and teachers failures. Too many would rather promote fear and waste money on locking people up rather than investing in our communities, our healing and in policies that actually keep us safe. It’s because of the failures of these elected officials and their corporate backers that the distance between the promise of this nation and its realities are so far apart. But what I have learned from my family is this: long distances are best traveled together. Together, regardless of race, income, immigration status, who we love, we will love each other, we will believe in each other, we will work together, to make Philadelphia a city that’s for all of us.” says Erika Almirón, candidate for Council At Large.

"My story is like many peoples’ in the 8th District. I’m a low-income, working single mom,” says Tonya Bah, running for the 8th Council District. When I was a teen I passed up a full college scholarship in order to get a job and help my mom pay the bills. I’ve testified and rallied at City Hall for education and workers’ rights.  But it is no longer enough. Our voices need to be heard in City Hall every single day. As a City Councilperson I will be our voice for strong public schools for all of our children, better wages and housing for low-income families, and honest, responsive leadership for our community."

Reclaim Philadelphia builds our movement through issue and electoral work centered on racial, economic and gender justice. Reclaim Philadelphia played a key role in electing Larry Krasner to DA, Elizabeth Fiedler to State House, 186 committee people, and two ward leaders. In 2019, Reclaim Philadelphia will continue transforming Philadelphia into a city that works for all of us.

Lea Sorrentinopress