Reclaim Philadelphia’s podcast, Our Political Moment:The stories behind the structures, features stories from Philadelphians impacted by some of the biggest issues facing our city, including education, housing, workers’ rights, mass incarceration, immigration and poverty. The host of the episode offers an analysis of the dominant narratives and structural oppression involved in these issues and interview’s organizers across the city who are fighting for solutions. Each episode will conclude with a call to action, a way our listeners can get involved and be part of local collective change. Between episodes, we’ll also be posting blogs on our website www.reclaimphiladphia.org, which offer political education and help define political jargon terms in plain english.
Sergio is a first generation latinx American from Chilean parents. He is queer and uses he/him pronouns. He is a dem committee person in the 46th ward, community organizer, and dogwalker. He is a DC native currently living in West Philadelphia.
Kelly is an organizer with Reclaim Philadelphia who can also explain why neo-liberalism is bad in French. She uses she/her pronouns.
Lea Devon Sorrentino is a visual artists living in South Philadelphia. She uses she/her pronouns
We started this podcast with a mission to demonstrate how the Universal is Personal and how the Personal is Political. The purpose of this first season was to bring to life how dominant narratives and structural oppression play out across this city and to show how our individual struggles are connected. We also timed this season with the Primary Elections to illuminate how policies dictate the lives of Philadelphians and how important this upcoming election is to creating a Philadelphia that works for all of us.
In this episode we come together to reflect on the season and discuss the Reclaim Philadelphia endorsed candidates and how they align with our values.