Reclaim Philadelphia’s Caucuses

Caucuses are groups formed within Reclaim Philadelphia to enable community building within self interest, develop political education and bring their caucuses lens to endorsements, narratives and Taskforce campaigns. While only Taskforces can launch Reclaim campaigns, caucuses can join coalitional campaigns with an approving vote by Steering Committee.

Our caucuses are issue based - Climate Justice

and identity based - White Anti-Racism Caucus

Issue based causes are open to everyone.

Identity based caucuses are spaces for people who share the named identity of the caucus.

Reclaim membership is not a requirement to join any caucus or Taskforce within Reclaim.

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Climate Justice Caucus

Our newly formed caucus shapes Reclaim’s analysis and platform on Climate Justice. In the coming year we’ll be developing political education pieces and connecting with lobbying efforts and coalitional actions centering the need for a Green New Deal. Join us!

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The White Anti-Racism Caucus is a group of Reclaim Philadelphia leaders committed to ending racism and addressing the ways the white supremacy culture shows up within society, within ourselves, in our organizing, and within Reclaim Philadelphia. 

We recognize that racial hierarchy has been used to divide the working class and keep us from building political power to take on the 1%. Whiteness is a construct upheld as the status quo and white people have had to shed their humanity to fit into the white cultural norm. Shame is used to keep white people from taking action and building multiracial political power. 

Doing work within the white anti-racism caucus is a tool, not an end goal.  We know that multiracial organizing is the way to build power and create the kind of world we want to live in. We seek to build a political movement that centers black people and black womxn while working to end the oppressions of patriarchal racial capitalism.