Reclaim Philadelphia Supports Slate of 6 Champions for Working People to Expand PA Progressive Squad


Reclaim Philadelphia, Rep. Fiedler and Democratic Nominees Rick Krajewski and Nikil Saval Support Slate of 6 Champions for Working People to Expand PA Progressive Squad

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Reclaim Philadelphia is proud to announce that our membership has voted to support a slate of candidates in Philadelphia and across the state. Concurrently, Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (HD184), and Democratic nominees Rick Krajewski (HD188) and Nikil Saval (SD1) have also endorsed this slate. This year offers an opportunity to redefine state politics and reshape the political landscape to benefit working people . We know that winning on issues means changing who is in power. We can’t win just in Philadelphia — we must build political power for Black, brown and White working people across the state as well. 

The candidates on this slate include: 

Representative Danielle Friel Otten (incumbent HD155)

Mike Doyle (HD170)

Tara Zrinski (HD138)

Tara Shakespeare (HD88)

Nicole Miller (HD87)

Shanna Danielson (SD31)

By fighting for working families, Nikil Saval, Elizabeth Fiedler and Rick Krajewski challenged and defeated the establishment and corporate interests. This slate of candidates will do the same. 

As we push to remove President Trump from the White House, we also have the opportunity to elect local leaders who will focus on creating a country where everyone is safe and free and that works for all of us. Today, we’re endorsing these candidates who will strengthen the mandate for progressive economic, climate, housing and racial justice policies. 

To advance the people’s agenda on mass liberation, workers’ rights, gender justice, a Green New Deal, and community control over development, Reclaim Philadelphia, Rep. Fiedler and Democratic nominees Rick Krajewski and Nikil Saval believe we must elect candidates with a history of political integrity, who will seek the backing of working people and movements and who will be fearless in fighting for our values. We believe that these candidates have shown an undeniable commitment to centering the needs of the multiracial working class. They have also demonstrated a clear commitment to building strong, people-centered campaigns.

Reclaim Philadelphia (RP) builds our movement through issue and electoral work centered on racial, economic and gender justice and has more than 700 dues-paying members across the city. RP is a chapter of PA Stands Up, an independent political organization dedicated to winning a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. RP elected Larry Krasner to DA, Elizabeth Fiedler, Rick Krajewski and Joe Hohenstein to State House, Nikil Saval to State Senate, 186 committee people, and two ward leaders. In 2020, RP will continue transforming Philadelphia into a city that works for all of us.

Rick Krajewski is a West Philly neighbor, community organizer, and the Democratic nominee for State Representative in the 188th District. Rick previously worked as a criminal justice organizer for Reclaim Philadelphia. Rick is fighting for a community where we all can thrive, not just the wealthy and well connected. 

Elizabeth Fiedler is a mother, former reporter and State Representative for the 184th House District in South Philadelphia. Elizabeth has fought for a better, fairer Pennsylvania for everyone. She works every day to meet her neighbors’ needs, not those of the super-rich or corporate interests. 

Nikil Saval is a father, writer and community organizer, and the Democratic nominee for PA State Senate — District 1. In 2018, he organized campaigns to fight for change in the Democratic Party and became Philadelphia’s first Asian American Democratic ward leader. Nikil is a co-founder of Reclaim Philadelphia.

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