Great Things Happen in Philadelphia

Great things happen in Philadelphia!

Many of us woke up today with what we witnessed last night still on our minds. More than an embarrassment, the things the President said were terrifying. When asked to denounce white supremacists, President Trump said “Proud boys, stand back and stand by.” That phrase has already been embraced by that racist terrorist organization in their communications. Everyone who heard what the President said understood that this was a call to future violence.

Last night in reference to our elections, the President told the American people that “bad things happen in Philadelphia.” But what we have seen firsthand in Philly is the exact opposite. With the people power we mobilized, we elected District Attorney Larry Krasner, against the cries from Trump supporters like the Philly FOP and State Rep. Martina White. With our people power we have won primaries against powerful incumbents to elect leftist champions like Elizabeth Fiedler, Rick Krajewski, and Nikil Saval who will be part of our progressive squad in Harrisburg. Philadelphia is the city where people power elected Working Families Party candidate Kendra Brooks to City Council, taking a seat Republicans had held for seven decades. We know that great things happen in Philadelphia!

At Reclaim Philadelphia, we understand that debates and polls and lawn signs don’t win elections—people power does. Through organizing our communities we will not only defeat Trump, but we will take back control of Pennsylvania for working people of all races! We can’t sit on the side lines and expect that a terrible debate performance will be enough to convince people. We each need to commit to putting in the work to fight for the future we deserve. Because when we fight, we win!

So let’s do this Philadelphia: join us to elect progressive Democrats all across the state and boost voter turnout!

Call voters in Northeast Philly and ensure they flip their state representative seat by voting for Mike Doyle.  

Call voters in the Harrisburg area and flip a crucial state senate seat by supporting Shanna Danielson and down-ballot candidates Nicole Miller and Tara Shakespeare.

We know that regardless of the election results this November, we must continue unifying our community to fight for homes and education for all, a Green New Deal, and a Pennsylvania that works for all of us. We can’t do this work without the continued support of our members. If you have been on the fence, join us. Sign up to become a dues paying member or make a one-time donation here.

Sergio Cea