MASS LIBERATION SCHOOL: WEEK 6 Transformative & Restorative Justice


Facilitator: A’Brianna Morgan, Reclaim Philadelphia

“Our responses should be survivor-centered, accountability-based, safety-driven, and racially equitable. Developing solutions aligned with those principles will require a fundamental realignment in our values and practice. It will require that we demand and build a country where fewer people are harmed by violence and fewer people are incarcerated; place regard for human dignity at the center of policies and practices; and prioritize survivors’ needs for healing, safety, and justice.” -- Danielle Sered, Until We Reckon

This week we will build on the lessons over the last two weeks: how do we respond to our communities without relying on the carceral system? We will continue to have deep discussions about violence and accountability, and continue imagining what healing and justice can look like for all people impacted by harm—including survivors, family and other loved ones, and people who cause harm.

Transformative Justice and Restorative Justice are key parts of an abolitionist future. We will explore the history of these practices and explore real-life situations where these have been applied. 

Helpful Resources:

task forceGuest User