AMENDED SC Recommendations to Membership for 2022 Primaries

Because of the redistricting process, the dynamics of various House races have shifted multiple times. On February 4, new finalized redistricting maps were made public, adjusting boundaries and candidates’ districts yet again. In light of this change, Reclaim Philadelphia’s Steering Committee is issuing an addendum to our previously-released endorsement recommendations. You can find the Steering Committee’s recommendations for all races here. The modified statement on House Districts 194 and 200 are below. 

Reclaim Philadelphia’s endorsements are decided by members. All members can and should participate in the endorsement process! Candidates who receive the votes of at least 60% of the participating members (members who submit a ballot) are endorsed. Not a member? You can become one now to weigh in on endorsements and other future important decisions about the direction of Reclaim Philadelphia and our movement. 

In advance of candidate endorsements, Reclaim’s Steering Committee leads a process of gathering information and viewpoints from candidate questionnaires, Reclaim staff members and other advocates, and aligned organizations. Based on this research, the Steering Committee makes recommendations, which you can read below. We hope this research is informative. 

Background on Both Races

Redistricting maps proposed in late 2021 placed Representative Chris Rabb, Representative Pam DeLissio, and Tarik Khan in one district, to be called District 194. On February 4, 2022, updated maps were released, placing Rabb back in District 200 and leaving DeLissio and Khan in District 194. Rabb is now an incumbent in District 200 and faces another incumbent, Isabella Fitzgerald, who was shifted from District 203 into District 200 in the redistricting process. 

House District 194

Steering Committee Recommendation: ENDORSE TARIK KHAN 

In House District 194, Pam DeLissio is the incumbent. DeLissio has not been aligned with Reclaim priorities, and did not return our questionnaire and is thus ineligible for our endorsement. Tarik Khan announced a challenge to DeLissio last year, with a progressive platform and lots of excitement. As a frontline nurse, Khan will bring much needed medical expertise to Harrisburg as we continue to collectively struggle through the COVID-19 pandemic. His work in the district and across Philadelphia makes him a clear candidate for the seat: he organized to stop the Nicetown gas plant, fought for nurses and patients when Hahneman was closing, and has been nationally recognized for delivering vaccine doses to homebound individuals all across the city. Khan has run a strong challenge with impressive fundraising and endorsements, and the Steering Committee recommends that members vote to endorse him.

House District 200

Steering Committee Recommendation: ENDORSE CHRIS RABB

Chris Rabb is a key leader in the progressive movement. First elected in 2016, and endorsed by Reclaim’s membership in 2018 and 2020, he is the incumbent representative in House District 200. He’s been opposed by the establishment in multiple competitive elections. He’s now been placed in a district with Isabella Fitzgerald, another incumbent, who has represented the 203rd District since 2017. Rabb has concretely demonstrated his commitment to Reclaim Philadelphia’s priority issues in Harrisburg. He’s proposed and supported legislation ranging from abolishing death by incarceration to the Fair Share Tax Plan to state-based reparations for chattel slavery. The Steering Committee strongly recommends that members vote to endorse Rabb for re-election in what will be a difficult incumbent-vs-incumbent contest.


Reclaim Philadelphia’s Steering Committee is a leadership team directly elected by Reclaim Philadelphia members to two-year terms. See the current membership at the bottom of this page. The next Steering Committee elections will be in summer 2022.

Steering Committee