Support Elizabeth Fiedler and Rick Krajewski!

You may have read last week that the Philly Democratic City Committee is endorsing a challenger to incumbent and progressive champion, Elizabeth Fiedler. Beyond the concerns about this challenger’s history of support for far right politicians and talking points, Fiedler’s four year track record in Harrisburg of fighting for working families and Philly public schools deserves nothing but support and praise. 

In West Philadelphia, incumbent and movement leader, Rick Krajweski is also being challenged by a candidate endorsed by the Democratic City Committee and funded by Jeffrey Yass. Jeffrey Yass has poured money into campaigns across the country for Republican candidates and across the state has backed candidates willing to further the dismantling and defunding of our public school system under the guise of ‘school choice’

Both Rick and Elizabeth were elected to challenge the status quo that has failed Philadelphia for so long and in their time in office, they have done exactly that. While we’re infuriated by the challenges to them and the harmful values behind those candidates, we’re also called to action. 

In Reclaim we define power as organized people and organized money. Grassroots support elected both Rick and Elizabeth to fight for us in Harrisburg, and we know that we can re-elect them again in the face of these challenges. 

Here’s what you can do!

Sign up to canvass for Elizabeth Fiedler! 

There are shifts every Saturday and Sunday at 10am or 1pm and every Wednesday at 5pm. 

If you’re not able to canvass, you can donate to Elizabeth’s campaign here

Sign up to canvass for Rick Krajewski!

Upcoming canvass shifts are Saturday 4/23 at 10am, Sunday 4/24 at noon

If you’re not able to canvass, you can donate to Rick’s campaign here.

Election Day is coming up in 4 weeks. Let’s knock on doors, talk to our neighbors and make sure Rick and Elizabeth stay in Harrisburg fighting for us!

Kelly Morton