Reclaim Philadelphia joins the "Revenue for A Just Recovery" Pla

The Coronavirus pandemic has created both a public health and fiscal crisis for the City of Philadelphia. The City Controller’s Office reported possible declines in tax revenues between $344 million and $674 million over the next two years. Black and Brown communities in the city have historically been underfunded and most impacted by austerity measures. Now more than ever, our communities need deep investment that support working families- not cuts that reduce city services.

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Reclaim Philadelphia's Covid-19 Response Statement

In this moment of danger, uncertainty, and the disruption of normal life, Reclaim Philadelphia’s highest priorities are the health, safety, and security of every member of our community. As the COVID-19 virus spreads across our world, our country, and our city, we are turning to each other for support and solutions. And so, we are expanding our electoral and policy organizing to include mutual aid work. We are in this together.

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Organizer Update 4/13 with Kelly Morton

Incase you missed Reclaim Philadelphia’s Organizer Update you can now view it here on Reclaim Blog. The next Organizer Update LIVE is 4/20 at 3pm. In this update Kelly talks about the Our Revolution town hall taking place on Saturday 4/18, getting involved in virtual neighborhood organizing, continuing the fight on safe injections sites in Philadelphia and the importance of the United States Post Office and how there is an attack on unions, voting and more.

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