Queer Lib Caucus Presents: WTF Happened to Philly Pride?! Part Two!

On May 31, 2021, Memorial Day weekend, PPP made a Facebook Post for Memorial Day using a “Thin Blue Line” style American Flag with a rainbow stripe, enraging many members of the LGBTQ community, as that flag is a symbol of Blue Lives Matter, police solidarity and white supremacy. Then, on June 10th, PPP made a Facebook Post “honoring Stonewall,” reading…

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National Tenant’s Bill of Rights

The Reclaim Housing Task Force has launched a campaign for a Philadelphia Tenants Bill of Rights. Throughout the month of November, we have been speaking with fellow tenants across the city about your housing experiences. We want to know - what challenges have you faced? What is your vision for solutions that bring us closer to safe, affordable and accessible housing for all?

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Join Reclaim Philadelphia’s Climate Justice caucus as they take action to tell Philly Stop LNG By Rail Network’s petition

Follow/join Reclaim Philadelphia’s Climate Justice caucus, which works on political education and lobbying efforts. Also, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network is seeking members & volunteers to help support, inform & advise planning, programs, policies, and decisions that impact the health of our Delaware River Watershed & waterways.

Read our latest feature in NW Local Paper written by Reclaim Leader Nat Lownes here

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Climate Justice Caucuspress
What Philly needs to know about the dangers of Liquified Natural Gas Train Transport

As we face irreversible climate change, including unprecedented wildfires, heat waves, and hurricanes, a new destructive plan to prioritize profit over the planet and humanity looms large in Pennsylvania: the transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by train. Unless President Biden acts soon, this incredibly hazardous and extremely flammable and explosive material is set to be transported from Wyalusing in North Central Pennsylvania to Gibbstown, NJ (across the Delaware River from the Philly airport), passing directly through Philadelphia. This LNG will be produced by fracking, with significant pollution, methane leakages, and harms to the health of Pennsylvania communities at every stage.

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Reclaim Philadelphia Ballot Guide General Election 2021

At stake in this election is the future of how we deal with harm in our city — will we go back to the values of racist sentencing and mass incarceration or will we continue to move boldly towards justice that works for all of us?

Reclaim Philadelphia’s Steering Committee asks that you join us in supporting our endorsed candidates for District Attorney, Court of Common Pleas, and Municipal Court this Tuesday, November 2, 2021. We’ve also detailed some recommendations for our members in races where our members haven’t endorsed and for the ballot questions.

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