Keep private policing out of our communities! With each passing week, more investigative journalism exposes the role of Penn and Drexel police in the violent crackdown on residents of 52nd St. on May 31st. Penn and Drexel Community for Justice, with support from Police Free Penn and the greater community demand accountability from these institutions. Join us this Sunday August 9th at 1PM to March on University City!
We demand:
1. Fire Maureen Rush, Vice President of Public Safety and President of the Philadelphia Police Foundation
2. Defund and disband* the Penn and Drexel Police
3. Penn & Drexel must make payments in lieu of taxes to the Education Equity Fund as restitution for the decades of exploitation to Black and Brown communities in Philadelphia.
*What does defunding and disbanding look like?
An immediate public release of Penn & Drexel police and safety budget data for the last 20 years, and commitment to ongoing open publishing of this data until the Penn & Drexel Police department is dissolved.
The immediate severance of any future funding and published public accounting for all historical payments and support that Penn & Drexel has given to the Philadelphia Police Department and/or the Philadelphia Police Foundation.
The public disclosure of UPPD + DUPD + PPD financial and law enforcement partnerships.
An immediate 50% reduction in the UPPD and DUPD budget, and the institutional commitment to convene a committee of students, faculty, staff, and local residents to develop and publish a written plan to be published by Spring 2021 that outlines the pathway to fully dissolve the UPPD and DUPD by the year 2025.