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From Philly To Berlin: Housing Is A Human Right

Let's start this year being honest. Our homes don’t belong in the hands of corporations. Though here in Philly, we are seeing corporate landlords have an increased presence, buying and renting homes primarily in Black and brown communities. Corporate landlords often raise rents, neglect to maintain properties and evict tenants at-will.

However, we can learn from powerful tenant movements in other countries. In Berlin, where around 85 percent of the around 3.6-million residents reside in rented housing, voters approved a referendum that would move 226,000 rental properties from corporate owners into the hands of tenants. A feat like this is the result of years of organizing communities to take action.

Join Reclaim’s Housing Taskforce and our movement partners: PhillyDSA, ACT-UP Philly, and The Philly Rent Control Coalition, as we engage with Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen (DWE) in a Conversation and Q&A on their organizing strategy and the conditions that were created to allow for a feat like this. This event is the first of the year for Reclaim’s Housing Political Education team