Our statewide allies are endorsing an exciting squad of PA Progressives!

Pennsylvania has our own homegrown Squad of progressive state legislators — beginning with Rep. Chris Rabb’s 2016 victory, and exploding with the 2018 election of Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, Sara Innamorato, Summer Lee, and Danielle Friel Otten. And we’re incredibly excited that next year they’ll be joined by two dynamic additions in Rick Krajewski and Nikil Saval!

But our work is far from done. Whatever the area — school funding, criminal justice, housing, green jobs, family leave, minimum wage, healthcare — there is no path to progress in Philadelphia without serious power for working people at the state level.

Reclaim Philadelphia is a member organization of Pennsylvania Stands Up (PASU), urban and rural, white, black, and brown, building a united force for change PASU has more than 1,000 members across the state. The following candidates have been vetted and endorsed by Pennsylvania Stands Up member organizations. Both the Pennsylvania State Senate and State House could shift to Democratic control this year — if we're able to flip enough seats. Changes in party control would chip away the power of truly reactionary forces but we know conservative and corporate Democrats also block progress on the scale we need and deserve. 

This November, we have a chance to expand the Squad even further by electing and retaining 5 progressive champions — and showing that by uniting working people of all races progressives can win everywhere and beat the right wing as well as corporate Democrats. Let’s build serious statewide power, and solidarity with our siblings across the state, by volunteering and investing in the campaigns of:

1) Rep. Danielle Friel Otten (House District 155)

Endorsed by Chester County Stands Up

Danielle flipped this district in 2018, when she decided to run after opposing a natural gas pipeline in her community. As a legislator, she has consistently stood up to corporate Democrats, especially on environmental issues. Defending this very narrowly Democratic district is critical to making sure we can support progressives all over the state.

Endorsed by Chester County Stands Up

2) Shanna Danielson (Senate District 31)
Endorsed by Capital Region Stands Up

Shanna, a member of Capital Region Stands Up, is a public school music teacher inspired to run for office by former Governor Tom Corbett’s devastating education funding cuts and the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. She will fight for public education, climate action, and a caring economy. Her victory would send a significant message that teachers and caregivers can win contested elections.

3) Nicole Miller (House District 87)
Endorsed by Capital Region Stands Up

Nicole is running to put people first in Harrisburg, and her motivation is personal: her son’s suicide from mental illness, due to lack of public support for education and healthcare including mental care. She will fight for public education, for expanding healthcare, and against fossil fuel subsidies.

4) Tara Shakesepeare (House District 88)
Endorsed by Capital Region Stands Up

Tara decided to run when she realized none of her representatives cared about regular, working people like her. She’s committed to the equality of women, Black and Indigenous people of color, people in the LGBTQ+ community, the poor, sick, and otherwise marginalized. She promises to fight the power of corporate money in Harrisburg.

5) Tara Zrinski (House District 138)
Endorsed by Lehigh Valley Stands Up

Tara is a Northampton County Councilperson, writer, and clean energy and sustainability advocate, running for an open seat. She will fight for unions, fair funding for public schools, universal healthcare, the right to clean air and water, and taxes on big corporations to fund basic social rights like paid sick leave.

Steering Committee