Steering committee statement on Presidential race in General Election

Our world, our country, our state, our city, and our communities are hurting. We feel the physical absence of each other because of the pandemic. Our Black, Brown, and poor communities face violence simply for existing. Many of us have lost our jobs and face food and housing insecurity. This occurs against the backdrop of climate and ecological catastrophe that will force billions of people from lands they call home.

Four years ago, we mourned Bernie Sanders’s loss in the primary election. Shortly thereafter, we witnessed Donald Trump’s ascendance to power. Few of us were surprised by the vast pain and anguish that led people to want to burn down the system by voting for Trump, but we were still heartbroken. 

But from that moment, we saw the birth of newly dedicated progressive organizing, including the growth of Reclaim Philadelphia. Around the country, ideas that once felt unattainable have become popular cries, chanted by millions in the streets.

While we started 2020 thinking that we might at last see a presidential candidate who shared our values and would advance our work, we quickly saw the political establishment prevail at the national level. We know that once again, one of two conservative, pro-corporate, rich White men will win in November. And we must make a choice.

In this year’s presidential election, Reclaim Philadelphia’s Steering Committee recommends voting for Joe Biden so that we can have the best chance to continue fighting for our future.

Joe Biden’s presidency alone will not move us toward a world that works for all of us. Yet, Biden and Trump are hardly interchangeable. Trump himself may be incompetent, but the most reactionary and authoritarian elements of U.S. society are deeply invested in him winning a second term. If Trump wins again, they will be emboldened to dramatically ramp up official state violence and to encourage extrajudicial violence against Black people, immigrants, socialists, and dissidents everywhere. It could easily mean the destruction of Social Security, Medicare, the Postal Service, and the labor movement. A second Trump win swells the sails of fascists and will mean the most vulnerable in our communities will be fighting harder than ever to simply survive. 

We know true change will only come from the bottom up, guided by the leadership of those among us most affected. We’re committed to our work of uniting the working class—whether Black, Brown or White—and we know you are, too. We ask that all comrades join us in voting for Joe Biden so that we have the chance to continue the hard, joyful work of building a better world.

Steering committee will be emailing all Reclaim members Wednesday with our endorsement ballot for State candidates. Voting will be open from 8/26 through 9/2.To become a member, set up a recurring monthly donation of any amount here.

Steering Committee