Welcoming Seth Anderson-Oberman as Reclaim's New Executive Director

Dear Reclaim Community,

We are thrilled to announce that Seth Anderson-Oberman will join us as Reclaim’s first Executive Director! This milestone marks an important moment in our evolution into an independent organization, and we are excited about what Seth will bring to Reclaim as we continue to build and expand our city’s multiracial working-class community power.

Seth A-O brings a wealth of community and labor organizing experience as well as a dynamic vision for the future of our movement to Reclaim. Read Seth's full bio​.

I am ready to help guide Reclaim Philadelphia to lead the fight forward, to build with our movement allies toward a future that guarantees a dignified life for every Philadelphian. The only way to build that future is together!

- Seth Anderson-Oberman

Seth will be coming on board mid-July 2024.

With heartfelt gratitude, we also acknowledge the departure of Kelly Morton, who saw Reclaim through some of the hardest moments and biggest challenges our movement has faced, including uprisings and a global health crisis. During her tenure, Kelly trained hundreds of leaders and led Reclaim’s field team in knocking over 225,000 doors. Kelly spearheaded our longstanding neighborhood organizing model in 2019, and led our transition to incorporate as an independent nonprofit true to its values and vision in Fall 2023. Kelly’s dedication and leadership have left an indelible mark on Reclaim, and we are profoundly thankful for her contributions.

As ever, Reclaim is committed to building community power to win change, reclaim government for the people, and advance economic, racial, and gender justice. The work ahead is as challenging as it’s ever been, and we’re committed to meeting the challenges and seizing the opportunities to build a city and a world that is free, that is just, and that is compassionate--for our loved ones, for our neighbors, and for everyone. As the critical General Election approaches, please join us in our movement to block the MAGA right and build a progressive majority.

Your support is crucial as we build power to win the equitable city we all deserve. Can you contribute $50 today or join us as a monthly dues paying member? Please consider making a one-time donation, increasing your dues if you are already a member, or becoming a member if you are not yet one. We are forever grateful to be in this work with you.

In solidarity,

Kyra Schwartz, Reclaim Philadelphia Board Chair

Reclaim Philadelphia